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I am an Engineer in the field of artificial intelligence with extensive experience in audio, image and video data collection and processing. I completed a Deep Learning Nanodegree on Udacity where MLPs, CNNs, RNNs and GANs were some of the topics and I want to continue learning more and more about the fascinating world of AI.
In this blog I will share cool things I learn during my journey trying to master AI and ML.
Scraping for your Lego Set with AgentQL
Quantization: A Crucial Technique in Today’s AI Landscape
Create your own local and private LLM with Ollama
Embeddings, Vector Databases, RAG, KNN, Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW)
What is IoU (Intersection over Union), Non Max Suppression, HSV, RGB and Grayscale…Computer Vision is fun!
Transformers - Attention is all you need
YouTube Querier with Langchain and Gradio
Langchain and Streamlit
U-NET Model Implementation and SAM (Segment Anything Model) exploration
Fine-tuning ChatGPT with custom data
Remove text from an image with OCR
CNN for Image Classification from scratch and with Transfer Learning
Open AI Whisper to Stable Diffusion
Diffusers and Gradio
Stable Diffusion
Timeseries prediction with XGBoost
Accelerate Pandas for quicker data manipulation
Convolutional Neural Networks for Audio Signal Analysis
Style Transfer with VGG19
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